Starter Config

Here's the default config to get you started with Blyth:

  const theme = {
breakpoints: {
md: '48em',
lg: '68em',
colors: {
primary: '#ff00ff',
light: '#ffffff',
dark: '#252525',
fonts: {
base: 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
serif: 'Georgia, serif',
sizeScale: {
200: 'var(--space-3xs-2xs)',
300: 'var(--space-2xs-xs)',
400: 'var(--space-xs-s)',
500: 'var(--space-s-m)',
600: 'var(--space-m-l)',
700: 'var(--space-l-xl)',
800: 'var(--space-xl-2xl)',
900: 'var(--space-2xl-3xl)',
textScale: {
200: 'var(--step--2)',
300: 'var(--step--1)',
400: 'var(--step-0)',
500: 'var(--step-1)',
600: 'var(--step-2)',
700: 'var(--step-3)',
800: 'var(--step-4)',
900: 'var(--step-5)',

module.exports = {
theme: theme,
tokens: {
bg: {
items: theme.colors,
property: 'background',
color: {
items: theme.colors,
property: 'color',
variable: true,
font: {
items: theme.fonts,
property: 'font-family',
variable: true,
'gap-top': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'margin-top',
'gap-bottom': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'margin-bottom',
leading: {
items: {
tight: '1.2',
mid: '1.5',
loose: '1.7',
property: 'line-height',
measure: {
items: {
long: '75ch',
short: '60ch',
compact: '40ch',
property: 'max-width',
'pad-top': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'padding-top',
'pad-bottom': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'padding-bottom',
'pad-left': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'padding-left',
size: {
items: theme.sizeScale,
variable: true,
text: {
items: theme.textScale,
responsive: true,
property: 'font-size',
variable: true,
weight: {
items: {
light: '300',
regular: '400',
mid: '600',
bold: '700',
property: 'font-weight',
variable: true,